Resolution 2004-10-15.dbg.1: Non-meeting voting
October 15th, 2004
This resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of SPI at their meeting of November 9, 2004.
This resolution supersedes 2001-11-26.iwj.1
SPI board meetings take place electronically using IRC;
not all meeting business can take place using any single medium;
The Board of Directors of SPI resolves that:
Any motion or resolution may be voted on by the board of directors as per the following procedure:
- All board members must be notified of the vote by means of, at minimum, an electronic mail being sent to the board mailing list;
- Non-meeting vote announcements must contain the following information:
- The subject of the vote
- The content of the motion or resolution
- The date and time the vote opens
- The date and time the vote closes
- In order for any motion or resolution to pass outside of a meeting, a majority of board members must vote in favour;
- The authenticity of every vote must be ascertained by the Secretary, or a designated member of the board;
- No vote may be open for less than five days (120 hours), unless the motion or resolution has been defeated;
No matter shall be put to a vote which has not been put forth for discussion for a minimum of two days (48 hours);
Any board member may call a non-meeting vote;
No resolution or motion may be passed outside of a meeting if the Board of Directors does not have the minimum membership required by the By-Laws of this organisation without the affirmative vote of every board member;
Any resolution or motion passed under the terms of this resolution shall have the same force and effect as if passed during a board meeting.