Resolution 2020-06-22.mcs.1: Conferences and SPI 5% fee

This resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of SPI at their meeting of June 22, 2020.

This resolution is superseded by 2023-12-07.jln.1.


  1. Software in the Public Interest, Inc. (SPI) is a Debian Trusted Organization.

  2. The annual Debian Conference (Debian) utilizes SPI to collect some of the conference sponsorship funds.

  3. SPI has inconsistently charged its 5% administrative fee for conference sponsorships.

  4. SPI has not yet determined the effect of waiving the 5% administrative fee for conference sponsorships in perpetuity.


  1. Going forward, SPI will consistently charge all projects donations and conference sponsorships a 5% administrative fee, as is SPI's current practice.

  2. SPI will not retroactively charge Debian its 5% administrative fee for Debian conferences held prior to 2016.

  3. SPI will not refund associated projects the 5% administrative fee for conferences held 2016-2019.