Platform for Joerg Jaspert
Who I am: Joerg Jaspert (IRC nick is Ganneff on OFTC/Freenode)
Debian Developer since April 2002 Within Debian I contribute(d) to various tasks:
- Application Manager between 2002 and 2004
- Account Manager since the end of 2004
- FTP-Team member since 2005
- Maintaining a number of packages
- One of the organisers of DebConf, the annual Debian conference
- Organized several smaller events, booth presences, etc for Debian, including merchandising stuff and CD/DVD images for it.
Contributing SPI member since May 2002
IrcOP in the SPI-Project OFTC
Involved in various other Debian-related activities
Right now I am also unemployed (well, in that thing called real life) :)
Why am I running? Hrm, why not, it's open. :)
Ok, then a bit more seriously - SPI is the legal umbrella over some of the projects in which I participate. DebConf is now also planning to use it more for its money transfers (eg. to make work with US-based sponsors easier), so actually being involved and not only demanding work seems like a good idea.
As the board has had to cancel multiple meetings due to unexcused absences, I promise to be available as much as I can, in order to not disturb SPI's decision making. I have therefore set myself the rule, that, should I miss more than 2 meetings without prior notice, I will vacate my seat for someone who is more dependable.
For any open questions feel free to mail me at or use IRC (nick Ganneff). Thanks for reading this far.