2018 election results

  • Total unique votes cast: 40
  • Voting system: Scottish STV (OpenSTV)


  • Candidate A: R. Tyler Croy
  • Candidate B: Luca Filipozzi
  • Candidate C: Stephen Frost
  • Candidate D: Michael Schultheiss


  1. Aaron Ucko
  2. Adam D. Barratt
  3. Adam Sampson
  4. Andrew Tridgell
  5. Anivar Aravind
  6. Bdale Garbee
  7. Bill Allombert
  8. Brian Gupta
  9. Christian T. Steigies
  10. Christoph Berg
  11. Clint Adams
  12. David Graham
  13. Francisco Ferreira
  14. gregor herrmann
  15. Hilmar Lapp
  16. Joe Conway
  17. Jonathan McDowell
  18. JP Sugarbroad
  19. Julien Cristau
  20. Luca Capello
  21. Luca Filipozzi
  22. Luk Claes
  23. Mark Brown
  24. Martin Michlmayr
  25. Martin Zobel-Helas
  26. Michael Schultheiss
  27. Milan Kupcevic
  28. Noèl Köthe
  29. Olivier Vernin
  30. Phil Brooke
  31. R Tyler Croy
  32. Rene Engelhard
  33. Sergiusz Pawłowicz
  34. Stefano Zacchiroli
  35. Stephen Frost
  36. Stephen Langasek
  37. Steve McIntyre
  38. Taowa Munene-Tardif
  39. Thorsten Alteholz
  40. totte


05ff4ce80dff153498ddfc24e7b5f377 BCAD
09c66d12ebb659b795c8ecb6577556d1 BDCA
0b7c57de5f76fb0bfcdaf82444f63754 DCA
0bebd4eba40f36b373c926c77f9a8e97 BDAC
11cad1c0c3637880281aea0b57c1d74b ADCB
12f1c4d77fb68c1a9d2c56b1bb9f07bb BD
1ef7af10f530ba60ce107f9f33543362 CDA
20c251f3f03519d042dd31204775daeb CDBA
2d73d5fbb463c0a8a09355ddf6434a41 ABD
3162bf5df91b936589a27eefe628c5fe BCAD
3822f4c03a78c6f07e20a95e3429a482 DBC
3c56095d3d7b8df77b827593dd88b94b DBAC
47c8e2ce4b2b5c1ba9d6feaf0d1c0a2a CAD
4e149ed3b267261828d726f5e611f1db DABC
50e41a0aab89427198d6ac6069d0b33b BDCA
550f05e0d9bc9f7032a98fa9833d8c22 DBA
5674d7f533452e4f05b2606336edaa55 DBAC
57934672d89c70ef9afd7eab5205856e DBAC
68955ebb9e950d79f553f763d6ce5f42 BACD
7377fedb2d7587d180debccce81b2351 BCA
8045a1eea695d033a11bc065f05d62fd CDBA
8afb591ec276ade3ad26a5cb7d6cbf32 DBAC
90504099add3feb2fd8c4652e0aa3261 BCDA
907945e8ffed9f8b016a7fda31c05770 DBCA
91b5845e5c7f59ee623b3b518a57b4e7 BADC
a5e03d3ef926e8bee912c9fd8e311b88 A
ab23f7763a5d55fce2397c3415326693 BACD
adf2a58fdf4b3b7a17db8491870de22a DABC
b0c591de1cc84f41591bfcecfda82459 BACD
b75e7c4da1e4c8f7f0fd56544ca0078d BAC
b88145aa1571bff7465e3acf8e3974e0 DBAC
bbbd9a3a2f6c0ebd3a2a02edf802289d BADC
c3d233a19a42ecfe83c2e6c50fa50aab DCBA
c59cab85e587309e0a51c45b8816b381 CBD
c85bf4cc959f12600363a77ef2df0488 BDCA
d5e33fe8a29dcdf129885daf3d157dd8 BDCA
df2a38b49416e35c504598a0e8e91388 ACBD
ea5588c77b0cc0706b2cc802e00f854f BCDA
ef32c7605901907e3898fa7ff0843fd2 DBA
f2bbceb431d33ef4f053a4dd4603ec7c DCBA

Voting table

Round R. Tyler Croy Luca Filipozzi Stephen Frost Michael Schultheiss Exhausted Surplus Threshold
1 4.00000 17.00000 5.00000 14.00000 0.00000 9.00000 11.00000
Count of first choices. Candidates Luca Filipozzi and Michael Schultheiss have reached the threshold and are elected. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
2 6.47058 11.00000 8.17646 14.00000 0.35296 3.00000 11.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Luca Filipozzi with a transfer value of 6.00000/17.00000. Candidates have surplus votes so surplus votes will be transferred for the next round.
3 8.39910 11.00000 9.24786 11.00000 0.35304 0.00000 11.00000
Count after transferring surplus votes from Michael Schultheiss with a transfer value of 3.00000/14.00000. No candidates have surplus votes so candidates will be eliminated and their votes transferred for the next round.
4 0.00000 11.00000 15.21840 11.00000 2.78160 4.21840 11.00000
Count after eliminating R. Tyler Croy and transferring votes. Candidate Stephen Frost has reached the threshold and is elected.


There were 3 winners in this vote:

  • Luca Filipozzi
  • Stephen Frost
  • Michael Schultheiss