This is the proposed agenda for the Board meeting of Wednesday, December 17th, 2008, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on irc.spi-inc.org.
- Opening
- Roll call (Tentative regrets from Neil McGovern, Joerg Jaspert, and Michael Schultheiss)
- President's report (Bdale Garbee)
- Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
- Secretary's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
- Outstanding minutes
- March 19th, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- April 16th, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- May 21th, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- June 18th, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- July 2nd, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- August 20th, 2008 (Neil McGovern)
- October 15th, 2008 (Jimmy Kaplowitz) (amended to note David Graham's presence in the attendee list)
- November 19th, 2008 (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
- Items up for discussion:
- Resolution 2008-12-17.bg.1: Privoxy as associated project
- Any other business
- Next board meeting - Wednesday, January 21st, 2009, 20:00 UTC
President's Report
Treasurer's Report
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when incurred). Income Statement for the Period November 01, 2008 - November 30, 2008 Income Ordinary Income Debian 6,741.03 Freedesktop.org 10.00 Gallery 160.00 Madwifi.org 90.00 OpenOffice.org 5.26 PostgreSQL 850.26 SPI General 399.00 SPI 5% 140.31 Total Ordinary Income 8,395.86 -------- Interest Income Key Bank Money Mkt Savings 98.54 Total Interest Income 98.54 ----- Gross Income 8,494.40 -------- Expenses Ordinary Expenses Debian Processing Fees 17.57 SPI 5% 86.17 Total Debian Exp 103.74 ------ Freedesktop.org Equipment 1,319.97 Processing Fees 0.40 SPI 5% 0.48 Total FDO Exp 1,320.85 -------- Gallery Processing Fees 4.84 SPI 5% 7.76 Total Gallery Exp 12.60 ----- GNOME Transfer to GNOME Found 20.00 Total GNOME Exp 20.00 ----- Madwifi.org Processing Fees 3.60 SPI 5% 4.32 Total Madwifi.org Exp 7.92 ---- OpenOffice.org Processing Fees 0.21 SPI 5% 0.25 Total OpenOffice.org Exp 0.46 ---- PostgreSQL Processing Fees 23.79 SPI 5% 41.32 Travel Reimbursement 1,873.20 Total PostgreSQL Exp 1,938.31 -------- SPI PaySimple Monthly Fee 29.95 Office Supplies 20.32 Postage 18.70 Transaction Fees 28.30 Total SPI Exp 97.27 ----- Tux4Kids Travel Reimbursement 474.95 Total T4K Exp 474.95 ------ Total Expenses 3,976.10 -------- Net Income 4,518.30 ======== Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2008 ASSETS Current Assets Key Business Reward Checking 33,417.23 Key Business Signature Money Market Savings 97,878.16 Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct 13,336.39 Total Current Assets 144,631.78 TOTAL ASSETS 144,631.78 LIABILITIES & EQUITY General and current liabilities 0.00 Equity Reserves held in trust Debian Earmark 80,575.27 Drupal Earmark 2,650.00 Freedesktop.org Earmark 1,666.83 Gallery Earmark 5,974.69 GNU TeXmacs Earmark 9.70 Madwifi.org Earmark 1,004.11 OpenOffice.org Earmark 1,185.32 Open Voting Foundation Earmark 392.67 Plan 9 Earmark 6,500.00 PostgreSQL Earmark 11,919.46 Tux4Kids Earmark 3,325.05 Total held in trust 115,203.10 General reserves 29,428.68 Total Equity 144,631.78 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 144,631.78
Secretary's report
I am in the process of arranging an online meeting for this upcoming weekend (Dec 20th or 21st) including SPI site administrator Joerg Jaspert, website volunteer MJ Ray, and me to discuss plans for moving forward with the website overhaul. There should be more news on this front in time for the January secretary's report.
Resolution 2008-12-17.bg.1: Privoxy as associated project
(Secretary's note: The text of this resolution was not distributed significantly in advance of the meeting, but it has been allowed onto the agenda since the substance of the resolution was discussed extensively on the spi-private mailing list well in advance of this meeting, and since the meeting announcement which was sent out more than 48 hours in advance included a reference to the possibility of a previously discussed and positively viewed associated project resolution or two being discussed at the meeting. Given the lack of advance notice of the exact text, it will not be voted on at this meeting if any board members present object to doing so.)
WHEREAS 1. Privoxy is a significant Free Software project, delivering a non-caching HTTP proxy that is commonly used to increase a user's privacy level, to block ads, and to rewrite content for other purposes. 2. The Privoxy developers would like SPI's support and assistance, including receiving and holding property (e.g., donations) on behalf of the project, dispersing donations to project members, legal advice and representation, holding assets such as the privoxy.org domain, and possibly other services to be decided later by the Privoxy developers. THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 3. Privoxy is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be found at https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/2004/2004-08-10.iwj.1 4. Fabian Keil is recognised by SPI as the current authoritative decision maker for Privoxy. This can be changed in the future by consensus vote of Hal Burgiss, Fabian Keil, and David Schmidt. 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board.