This is the proposed agenda for the Board meeting of Wednesday, February 11th, 2009, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on irc.spi-inc.org.
- Opening
- Roll call (Tentative regrets from Luk Claes, David Graham, and Neil McGovern)
- President's report (Bdale Garbee)
- Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
- Secretary's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
- Outstanding minutes
- Neil's responsibility
- March 19th, 2008
(prepared by Martin Zobel-Helas, will be HTMLified later)
- Will need slight amendment later to add list of registered guests and the text of resolution 2008-03-19.jrk.2
- June 18th, 2008
- July 2nd, 2008 (annual meeting)
- August 20th, 2008
- March 19th, 2008
(prepared by Martin Zobel-Helas, will be HTMLified later)
- Jimmy's responsibility
- December 17th, 2008
- January 21st, 2009
- Neil's responsibility
- Items up for discussion:
- Resolution 2009-01-09.jdd.1: New affiliated project: Helios Initiative (Joshua D. Drake)
- Any other business
- Next board meeting - Wednesday, March 18th, 2009, 20:00 UTC
President's Report
Treasurer's Report
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when incurred). Income Statement for the Period December 01, 2008 - December 31, 2008 Income Ordinary Income Debian 7,650.06 Gallery 100.00 Madwifi.org 149.00 OpenOffice.org 10.52 PostgreSQL 2,125.92 SPI General 360.00 SPI 5% 226.78 Total Ordinary Income 10,622.28 --------- Interest Income Key Bank Money Mkt Savings 65.44 Total Interest Income 65.44 ----- Gross Income 10,687.72 --------- Expenses Ordinary Expenses Debian Processing Fees 66.70 SPI 5% 107.50 Total Debian Exp 103.74 ------ Gallery Processing Fees 2.70 SPI 5% 5.00 Travel Reimbursement 475.00 Total Gallery Exp 482.70 ------ Madwifi.org Processing Fees 5.96 SPI 5% 7.45 Total Madwifi.org Exp 13.41 ----- OpenOffice.org Processing Fees 0.42 SPI 5% 0.53 Total OpenOffice.org Exp 0.95 ---- PostgreSQL Processing Fees 7.10 SPI 5% 106.30 Total PostgreSQL Exp 113.40 ------ SPI PaySimple Monthly Fee 29.95 Transaction Fees 20.15 Copies 0.29 Total SPI Exp 66.73 ----- Tux4Kids Travel Reimbursement 1,355.00 Wire Fee 35.00 Total T4K Exp 1,390.00 -------- Total Expenses 2,170.93 -------- Net Income 8,516.79 ======== Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2008 ASSETS Current Assets Key Business Reward Checking 41,783.41 Key Business Signature Money Market Savings 97,943.60 Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct 13,336.39 Total Current Assets 153,063.40 TOTAL ASSETS 153,063.40 LIABILITIES & EQUITY General and current liabilities 0.00 Equity Reserves held in trust Debian Earmark 88,121.59 Drupal Earmark 2,650.00 Freedesktop.org Earmark 1,666.83 Gallery Earmark 5,591.99 GNU TeXmacs Earmark 9.70 Madwifi.org Earmark 1,139.70 OpenOffice.org Earmark 1,194.89 Open Voting Foundation Earmark 392.67 Plan 9 Earmark 6,500.00 PostgreSQL Earmark 13,931.98 Tux4Kids Earmark 1,935.05 Total held in trust 123,068.09 General reserves 29,995.31 Total Equity 153,063.40 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 153,063.40
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when incurred). Income Statement for the Period January 01, 2009 - January 31, 2009 Income Ordinary Income Debian 9,530.88 Gallery 10.00 OpenOffice.org 140.26 PostgreSQL 1,371.26 SPI General 1,585.00 SPI 5% 552.62 Total Ordinary Income 13,190.02 --------- Dividend Income Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Fund 53.12 [1] Total Dividend Income 53.12 ----- Interest Income Key Bank Money Mkt Savings 41.52 Total Interest Income 41.52 ----- Gross Income 13,284.66 --------- Expenses Ordinary Expenses Debian Processing Fees 113.83 SPI 5% 476.54 Total Debian Exp 590.38 ------ Gallery Processing Fees 0.27 SPI 5% 0.50 Total Gallery Exp 0.77 ---- OpenOffice.org Processing Fees 5.61 SPI 5% 7.01 Total OpenOffice.org Exp 12.62 ----- PostgreSQL Processing Fees 41.28 SPI 5% 68.56 Travel Reimbursement 1,012.80 Total PostgreSQL Exp 1,122.65 -------- SPI PaySimple Monthly Fee 29.95 Transaction Fees 23.53 Total SPI Exp 53.48 ----- Tux4Kids Travel Reimbursement 440.00 Wire Fee 35.00 Wire Research Fee 10.00 Total T4K Exp 485.00 ------ Total Expenses 2,264.90 -------- Net Income 11,019.76 ========= [1] This dividend income includes all dividend income since the last time the Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Fund balance was reconciled and was not all earned during this period. Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2009 ASSETS Current Assets Key Business Reward Checking 52,683.84 Key Business Signature Money Market Savings 97,985.12 Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct 13,389.51 Total Current Assets 164,058.47 TOTAL ASSETS 164,058.47 LIABILITIES & EQUITY General and current liabilities 0.00 Equity Reserves held in trust Debian Earmark 97,062.09 Drupal Earmark 2,650.00 Freedesktop.org Earmark 1,666.83 Gallery Earmark 5,601.22 GNU TeXmacs Earmark 9.70 Madwifi.org Earmark 1,139.70 OpenOffice.org Earmark 1,322.53 Open Voting Foundation Earmark 392.67 Plan 9 Earmark 6,500.00 PostgreSQL Earmark 14,180.59 Tux4Kids Earmark 1,450.05 Total held in trust 131,975.38 General reserves 32,083.09 Total Equity 164,058.47 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 164,058.47
Secretary's report
An application was received from the OpenWRT project to associate with SPI, along with a draft charter. A resolution to approve this is expected to be presented for voting at the March meeting. Also, Debian made a request for SPI to sign a contract with a non-profit which will be hosting a server on their behalf, as requested by that non-profit. We passed the contract by our lawyers, who made a few minor suggestions to improve convenience and the protections for SPI and Debian, which were approved by the other party. SPI President Bdale Garbee proceeded to sign the modified contract and send a copy to the hosting non-profit. No exchange of money whatsoever is involved with this hosting arrangement.
Resolution 2009-01-09.jdd.1: New affiliated project: Helios Initiative
WHEREAS 1. Helios Initiative is a substantial and useful open source project. 2. The Helios Initiative would like SPI's support and assistance, including taking donations. THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 3. The Helios Initiative is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be found at https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/2004/2004-08-10.iwj.1 4. Currently, Ken Starks is recognised by SPI as the current authoritative decision maker and SPI liaison for the Helios Initiative. Successors will be appointed in turn by the sitting project liaison. 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board.
Joshua provided the following background to the resolution, in the form of an email from Ken Starks to him:
Hello Joshua, Please consider this our official application for an Associate Membership into Software in the Public Interest. As well, bear with us as we revamp our new website <http://www.heliosinitiative.org/>, it should be completed in a couple of days. You can see the official blog for The Helios Project here<http://www.heliosinitiative.org/blog/> . "The HeliOS Project" began in 2004. It was simply three guys gathered around a dining room table in my home, watching baseball and rebuilding computers from discarded equipment we had gathered. We in turn took these machines and found homes for them with socially and financially disadvantaged kids in the Austin Area. As we perceived the increased need for these computers in the community, we have organized ourselves to meet the challenge. I began putting together an organization that would allow me to maximize the resources of the Open Source Community, therefore increasing our ability to produce these much-needed machines. We have grown through efforts such as the Tux500 project <http://news.cnet.com/2300-11389_3-6186004-1.html?tag=ne.gall.pg>, and the more recent Lindependence 2008 <http://www.lindependence.net/>Project. Larry Cafiero and myself built the Lindependence effort in July of 2007 and we've held events in Felton California and Portland Oregon. 2009 promises several events in the US and many others world-wide. In 2008, The HeliOS Project built, placed and supported 329 computers for our disadvantaged kids. This has entailed an enormous amount of work but for every trying moment, there were twice as many gratifying ones. This project has dual purpose. The obvious one is to get computers into the hands of those who normally would not have one. The second and equally-important mission is to proliferate GNU/Linux and Free Open Source Software on the everyday desktop user's computer. We have achieved much success in the limited scope of our efforts. Becoming an Associate Member of SPI will allow us to leverage the nonprofit status of the organization and not only bring our efforts into a wider spotlight, it would give us the much-needed ability to issue letters of tax exemption to our donors. For every one donor we gain, we lose 3-5 because we do not have the 501 federal designator needed to issue such letters. We will of course need the nonprofit status that this membership brings as well as the book keeping that comes with it. Membership within SPI brings a level of credibility and reliability to any worthwhile project and we are excited that you find us a good match for SPI. Dealing with hardware donations, we will be happy to assign the dollar amounts for the donations and forward them to the appropriate contact at SPI. We keep an accurate eye on current hardware prices, both new and old. Tom King, our Secretary/Treasurer will maintain our records and inventory locally as well if you need them. We will provide SPI with a "chain of custody" record of every item donated through your organization and given donated by us, should you require it. The International exposure of our organization via our membership in SPI is invaluable and we thank you for considering this as our official membership application. Kenneth Starks will be the liaison between SPI and The HeliOS Project. In his absence or the improbable event he cannot be reached, Larry Cafiero will act as our official liaison. Sincerely, Ken Starks The HeliOS Project