
This is the proposed agenda for the Annual Board meeting of Wednesday, May 20th, 2009, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on irc.spi-inc.org.

  1. Opening
  2. Roll call (Tentative regrets from Luk Claes; definite regrets from David Graham)
  3. President's report (Bdale Garbee)
  4. Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
  5. Secretary's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
  6. Outstanding minutes
    1. Neil's responsibility
      1. June 18th, 2008
      2. July 2nd, 2008 (annual meeting)
      3. August 20th, 2008
    2. Jimmy's responsibility
      1. June 17th, 2009
  7. Items up for discussion:
    1. SPI Board Elections
      1. Reminder about nominations
      2. Status check on voting software
    2. Resolution 2009-07-06.jrk.1.bg.1: Open64 as associated project (see below)
    3. Resolution 2009-07-06.jrk.2: OSUNIX as associated project (see below)
  8. Any other business
  9. Next board meeting - Set a date or leave to next board? Special-purpose meeting to pick officers or general-purpose?

President's Report


Treasurer's Report

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period June 01, 2009 - June 30, 2009

   Ordinary Income
        Debian                           1,520.53
        Gallery                             70.00
        OpenOffice.org                   1,371.26
        PostgreSQL                         893.26
        Privoxy                             30.00
        SPI General                        410.64
        SPI 5%                             151.50
        The HeliOS Project                 405.00

        Total Ordinary Income            4,852.19

   Interest Income
        Key Bank Money Mkt Savings          39.69

        Total Interest Income               39.69

   Gross Income                          4,891.88

  Ordinary Expenses

          Processing Fees          58.90
          SPI 5%                   13.03

          Total Debian Exp         71.92

          Processing Fees           1.89
          SPI 5%                    3.50

          Total Gallery Exp         5.39

        OpenOffice.org (OO.o)
          Processing Fees          54.25
          SPI 5%                   68.56

          Total OO.o Exp          122.81

          Processing Fees          28.97
          SPI 5%                   44.66

          Total PostgreSQL Exp     73.63

          Processing Fees           1.20
          SPI 5%                    1.50

          Total Privoxy Exp         2.70

          PaySimple Monthly Fee    29.95
          Transaction Fees         23.55

          Total SPI Exp            53.50

        The HeliOS Project
          Exp Reimbursements      617.09

          Total HeliOS Exp        617.09

        Total Expenses            947.04

        Net Income              3,944.84

Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2009

     Current Assets
        Key Business Reward Checking                      24,422.19
        Key Business Signature Money Market Savings      193,209.12
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,389.51

     Total Current Assets                                231,020.82

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          231,020.82


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           Debian Earmark                   142,814.60
           Drupal Earmark                     2,650.00
           Freedesktop.org Earmark            1,466.88
           Gallery Earmark                    6,069.48
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                    9.70
           Madwifi.org Earmark                1,248.90
           OpenOffice.org Earmark             4,094.71
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark        65.52
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                30,463.43
           Privoxy Earmark                       40.00
           Tux4Kids Earmark                   1,865.05
           The HeliOS Project                  (396.23)

        Total held in trust                              197,288.27

        General reserves                                  33,732.55

     Total Equity                                        231,020.82

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            231,020.82

Secretary's report

Neil McGovern, a current board member who is vacating his seat at the conclusion of the currently ongoing SPI election, has kindly agreed to run this election. Also, contributing members were asked for feedback regarding Open64 and OSUNIX as potential new projects. A small amount of positive feedback was received and no negative feedback was received.

Resolution 2009-07-06.jrk.1.bg.1: Open64 as associated project (proposed)


 1. Open64 is a substantial and useful open source project.

 2. Open64 would like SPI's support and assistance, including taking


 3. Open64 is formally invited to become an SPI
Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated
Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a
copy of which can be found at

 4. The Open64 Steering Committee acting by consensus resolution
is recognized as the authoritative decision maker for Open64,
and C. Bergström is recognized by SPI as the current designated
liaison for Open64.

 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted by the Open64
Steering Committee, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI

Resolution 2009-07-06.jrk.2: OSUNIX as associated project (proposed)


 1. OSUNIX is a substantial and useful open source project.

 2. OSUNIX would like SPI's support and assistance, including taking


 3. OSUNIX is formally invited to become an SPI
Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated
Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a
copy of which can be found at

 4. Currently, C. Bergström is recognised by SPI as the current
authoritative decision maker and SPI liaison for OSUNIX. The SPI Board
expresses its desire for C. Bergström to clarify the governance
structure of OSUNIX to the Board, which structure the Board will
recognize as it would any other instruction from an associated project.

 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is
approved by the SPI Board.