This is the proposed agenda for the Board meeting of Wednesday, September 16th, 2009, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on irc.spi-inc.org.
- Opening
- Roll call
- President's report (Bdale Garbee)
- Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
- Secretary's report (Martin Zobel-Helas)
- Outstanding minutes
- Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
- Items up for discussion
- SPI resolution 2009-09-16.mcs.1 (Establishing an additional SPI bank account)
- SPI Resolution 2009-09-08.jrk.1 (Path64 as associated project)
- SPI Resolution 2009-09-08.jrk.2 (OSUNIX as associated project)
- SPI Resolution 2009-08-19.dbg.1 (Contributing membership expiry)
- Any other business
- Next board meeting October 21st, 2009, 20:00 UTC
President's Report
Treasurer's Report
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when incurred). Income Statement for the Period August 01, 2009 - August 31, 2009 Income Ordinary Income Debian 4,005.00 Gallery 170.00 OpenOffice.org 760.00 PostgreSQL 4,000.00 SPI General 226.40 SPI 5% 122.50 The HeliOS Project 155.00 Total Ordinary Income 9,438.90 -------- Dividend Income Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Fund 8.13 [1] Total Dividend Income 8.13 ---- Interest Income Key Bank Money Mkt Savings 29.15 Total Interest Income 29.15 ----- Gross Income 9,476.18 -------- Expenses Ordinary Expenses Debian DC9 Formal Dinner 8,297.00 HDD for master.d.o 124.63 Postage 5.65 Processing Fees 103.60 SPI 5% 18.25 Travel Reimbursement 15,307.03 Total Debian Exp 23,856.16 --------- Gallery Processing Fees 4.59 SPI 5% 8.50 Total Gallery Exp 13.09 ----- OpenOffice.org (OO.o) Processing Fees 27.20 SPI 5% 38.00 Total OO.o Exp 65.20 ----- PostgreSQL OSCON Expenses 4,807.64 Processing Fees 27.00 SPI 5% 50.00 Total PostgreSQL Exp 4,884.64 -------- SPI PaySimple Monthly Fee 29.95 Transaction Fees 17.90 Total SPI Exp 47.85 ----- The HeliOS Project Processing Fees 6.20 SPI 5% 7.75 Total HeliOS Exp 13.95 ----- Total Expenses 28,880.89 --------- Net Income (19,404.71) =========== [1] This dividend income includes all dividend income since the last time the Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Fund balance was reconciled and was not all earned during this period Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2009 ASSETS Current Assets Key Business Reward Checking 43,064.65 Key Business Signature Money Market Savings 132,489.98 Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct 13,397.64 Total Current Assets 188,952.27 TOTAL ASSETS 188,952.27 LIABILITIES & EQUITY General and current liabilities 0.00 Equity Reserves held in trust Debian Earmark 98,075.02 Drupal Earmark 2,650.00 Freedesktop.org Earmark 1,480.53 Gallery Earmark 6,262.79 GNU TeXmacs Earmark 9.70 Madwifi.org Earmark 1,364.47 OpenOffice.org Earmark 5,582.12 Open Voting Foundation Earmark 67.34 Plan 9 Earmark 6,500.00 PostgreSQL Earmark 30,360.98 Privoxy Earmark 40.00 Tux4Kids Earmark 1,865.05 The HeliOS Project 175.61 Total held in trust 154,433.61 General reserves 34,518.66 Total Equity 188,952.27 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 188,952.27
Secretary's report
Open64's invitation to join SPI lapsed without being accepted.
Resolution 2009-09-16.mcs.1: Establishing an additional SPI bank account
WHEREAS 1. SPI's deposits on hand at its current bank are approaching the limit of FDIC insured funds THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 1. The Treasurer is authorized to open a checking account for Software in the Public Interest, Inc. at an additional bank to ensure SPI's balances are below the FDIC insurance limits. 2. The signatories on the account will include the following Michael Schultheiss Treasurer James R. Kaplowitz Director
Resolution 2009-09-08.jrk.1: Path64 as associated project
WHEREAS 1. Path64 is a substantial and useful open source project. 2. Path64 would like SPI's support and assistance, including taking donations. THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 3. Path64 is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be found at https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/2004/2004-08-10.iwj.1 4. Currently, Christopher Bergström is recognised by SPI as the current authoritative decision maker and SPI liaison for Path64. The SPI Board expresses its desire for Christopher Bergström to clarify the governance structure of Path64 to the Board, which structure the Board will recognize as it would any other instruction from an associated project. 5. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board.
SPI Resolution 2009-09-08.jrk.2: OSUNIX as associated project
WHEREAS 1. OSUNIX is a substantial and useful open source project, 2. OSUNIX would like SPI's support and assistance, including taking donations, and 3. OSUNIX engaged the Software Freedom Law Center separately from their representation of SPI and obtained from them an opinion letter which satisfactorily addresses SPI's legal concerns with regard to OSUNIX, THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 4. OSUNIX is formally invited to become an SPI Associated Project, according to the SPI Framework for Associated Projects, SPI Resolution 1998-11-16.iwj.1-amended-2004-08-10.iwj.1, a copy of which can be found at https://www.spi-inc.org/corporate/resolutions/2004/2004-08-10.iwj.1 5. Currently, Christopher Bergström is recognised by SPI as the current authoritative decision maker and SPI liaison for OSUNIX. The SPI Board expresses its desire for Christopher Bergström to clarify the governance structure of OSUNIX to the Board, which structure the Board will recognize as it would any other instruction from an associated project. 6. This invitation will lapse, if not accepted, 60 days after it is approved by the SPI Board.
SPI Resolution 2009-08-19.dbg.1: Contributing membership expiry
WHEREAS 1. Article 3 of the corporate by-laws state: "If a contributing membership is not renewed, the member's status will be downgraded to a non-contributing member."; 2. Voter turnout and quorum is measured as a function of contributing membership; 3. There is no existing practical measure of a member's activity; 4. Elections are the most effective means of verifying a member's activity and our electoral system does not require a voting member to express an opinion on their ballot THE SPI BOARD RESOLVES THAT 5. Any contributing member who does not cast a ballot in an annual Board member election shall be considered to be inactive and downgraded to a non-contributing member, however no such downgrading shall preclude any member from restoring their contributing membership status at any later date 6. In the event that no annual Board member election takes place, regardless of reason, the membership list will not be affected until the next such election takes place; 7. Any contributing membership that exists under any other resolutions or clauses that is not subject to expiry will not expire.