Meeting agenda for Monday 12th August, 2019

This is the proposed agenda for the SPI board meeting of Monday, August 12th, 2019, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on

  1. Opening
  2. Roll Call
  3. President's report (Jimmy Kaplowitz)
  4. Treasurer's report (Michael Schultheiss)
  5. Secretary's report (Tim Potter)
  6. Outstanding minutes
    1. Monday, 8th July 2019
  7. Items up for discussion
    1. Officer elections
    2. Resolution Removing Drizzle as an associated project
  8. Any other business
  9. Next board meeting: September 9th, 2019, 20:00 UTC

President's report


Treasurer's report


Secretary's report


Any other business

Officer elections

As per article eight of the SPI by-laws, election of officer positions shall me made from members of the Board of Directors. The following nominations have been received:

PresidentMichael Schultheiss
Vice PresidentStephen Frost
TreasurerMartin Zobel-Helas
SecretaryTim Potter

Resolution Removing Drizzle as an associated project


1. Drizzle is currently an SPI associated project.

2. The Drizzle project, a fork of the MySQL project made in 2008, has
been defunct for many years and is no longer under active development.

3. The Drizzle project liaison has proposed that it should be removed
from the list of active SPI projects.

4. The Drizzle project liaison has proposed that all Drizzle assets are
to be forwarded to the SPI general fund.

5. In particular the Drizzle trademark is free to be managed by the SPI
board as best fits the overall mission of SPI.


1. Drizzle is removed from the list of SPI associated projects.

2. SPI will no longer actively seek donations on behalf of Drizzle.

3. This is subject to any undischarged obligations SPI may have with
respect to Drizzle. We are not aware of any such undischarged
obligations. We ask anyone who is aware of any to notify us within 30
days of this resolution.

4. It is SPI's good-faith intention to manage the Drizzle
trademark in a manner that appropriately befits the overall mission
of SPI.