15:00 < bdale> *GAVEL* 15:00 < bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order. 15:00 < bdale> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at: http://www.spi-inc.org/secretary/agenda/2009/2009-02- 15:00 < bdale> 11.html 15:00 < bdale> [item 2, Roll Call] 15:00 < Maulkin> Neil McGovern 15:00 < bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six. 15:00 < schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 15:00 -!- jello [~joe@dot.nahmias.net] has joined #spi 15:00 < bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Hydroxide if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of 15:00 < zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas 15:00 < bdale> this meeting. 15:00 < Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert 15:00 < bdale> I believe we have (tentative) regrets from Neil, Luk, and David? 15:00 < bdale> Bdale Garbee 15:00 < linuxpoet> Joshua D. Drake 15:00 < bdale> cool, quorum 15:00 < bdale> anyone else here? 15:00 < bdale> I see Neil is here, so who else is missing? 15:00 * Maulkin may need to dissappear quickly. 15:01 < schultmc> Hydroxide: ping 15:01 < bdale> Maulkin: ok, noted 15:01 < bdale> should we proceed? 15:01 < linuxpoet> please 15:01 * Maulkin nods 15:01 < bdale> [item 3, President's Report] 15:02 < bdale> None. 15:02 < bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report] 15:02 < bdale> Michael? 15:02 < schultmc> Treasurer's reports for December 2008 and January 2009 have been released 15:02 < bdale> yep, thanks for that! 15:02 < Ganneff> thats fast. nice. 15:02 < schultmc> we received notice from the IRS that additional information is needed for our 2007 filing - that information has been provided 15:02 < bdale> good 15:02 < schultmc> 15:03 < bdale> what's the next tax related filing on our radar? 15:03 < schultmc> our 2008 filing needs to be addressed sometime this year - we typically have until November 15 to complete the filing 15:04 < zobel> the earlier the better? 15:04 < bdale> ok. let us know if there's anything you need from the rest of the board on that. 15:04 < schultmc> yes - november 15 includes extensions to the deadline 15:04 < schultmc> bdale: will do 15:04 < bdale> I'm very pleased to see that the monthly reports are in good shape and up to date, and sincerely hope we can keep things that way! 15:04 < linuxpoet> +1 15:04 < zobel> +1 15:05 < bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report] 15:05 < bdale> Jimmy? 15:05 < bdale> has Hydroxide appeared? 15:05 < Ganneff> last seen 12 minutes before meeting 15:05 < Ganneff> talking about it, so he was planning to attend. 15:05 < bdale> ok, I know he's very busy at the moment. let's move on and we can come back if he appears 15:05 < bdale> on the other hand, he's responsible for the next item too? 15:06 < Ganneff> yes 15:06 < Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz 15:06 < Hydroxide> was dealing with something in person 15:06 < linuxpoet> viola 15:06 < bdale> Hydroxide: dude! sec rpt? 15:06 < Hydroxide> bdale: it's in the agenda 15:07 < bdale> any questions or discussion? 15:07 < Hydroxide> if anyone has questions about that, let me know. 15:07 < bdale> seeing nothing, let's carry on 15:07 < bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes] 15:07 < bdale> Jimmy, we have some to vote on today? 15:07 -!- dam [~dam@] has joined #spi 15:07 < Hydroxide> no, actually. also, I'm not sure if I saved my secretary's report until now, but I just did, so look again 15:08 < luk_> Luk Claes 15:08 < Hydroxide> I worked about 45 hours in the last 5 days at my job and got way too little sleep. the only thing to vote on is the helios resolution 15:08 < bdale> ok 15:08 < Hydroxide> I'm going to have 5 days off from work starting tomorrow and will do serious catch-up on my lagging secretary duties. 15:08 < bdale> I'm glad you included the ISC paperwork in your report, I'd forgotten about that... should have included it in a pres report. 15:09 * Hydroxide nods. no worries. 15:09 < bdale> ok, so we'll hopefully be able to catch up on approving minutes next month? 15:10 < Hydroxide> bdale: I'll have caught up on the December, January, February ones, as well as finishing up the March '08 ones 15:10 < Hydroxide> bdale: the June/July/August '08 ones will be as soon as Martin has time to prepare them 15:10 < bdale> cool, looking forward to clearing as much as we can of the backlog ASAP 15:10 < Hydroxide> yep, me too. 15:10 < bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion] 15:10 < bdale> [item 7.1, Resolution 2009-01-09.jdd.1 - New affiliated project: Helios Initiative] 15:10 < bdale> Josh? 15:10 < linuxpoet> Any questions for me on this? 15:10 < zobel> Hydroxide: will do it next week. have VAC next week. 15:10 < linuxpoet> I posted SLFC's reply, they look good we just have to be careful 15:11 < linuxpoet> I believe this project will be a shot in the advocacy arm for us 15:11 < Hydroxide> yes, the lawyers seemed to think it was fine with various procedural points that don't affect whether we should go ahead 15:11 * Hydroxide is ready to approve 15:11 < linuxpoet> Here is a latest news point from the project: http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/02/helios-project-kicks-it-into-high-gear.html 15:12 < bdale> I'm ready to approve 15:12 < Hydroxide> Voting started, 8 people (hydroxide,linuxpoet,bdale,luk_,maulkin,zobel,ganneff,schultmc ) allowed to vote on Helios Initiative resolution. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 15:12 < linuxpoet> I'm (obviously) read to approve 15:12 < linuxpoet> !vote yes 15:13 < Hydroxide> !vote yes 15:13 < Ganneff> !vote yes 15:13 < bdale> !vote yes 15:13 < Maulkin> !vote yes 15:13 < zobel> !vote yes 15:13 < schultmc> !vote yes 15:13 < bdale> luk_: ? 15:14 < Hydroxide> going once... 15:14 < Hydroxide> going twice.. 15:14 < Hydroxide> Current voting results for "Helios Initiative resolution": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 2 ( schultmc luk_ ) 15:14 < Hydroxide> Voting for "Helios Initiative resolution" closed. 15:14 < luk_> !vote yes 15:14 < zobel> luk is maybe bussy with -release 15:14 < Hydroxide> luk_: I'll note it in the minutes 15:14 < bdale> schultmc voted yes 15:14 < bdale> sounds like it's a unanimous yes, which works for me 15:14 < Hydroxide> Yes: 7, Abstain: 0, Missing; 1 15:14 < Hydroxide> err 15:15 < schultmc> Missing: 0 15:15 < Hydroxide> Yes: 8, Abstain: 0, Missing; 0 15:15 < Hydroxide> ok 15:15 < bdale> thank you. ;-) 15:15 < Hydroxide> will note in the minutes correctly 15:15 < bdale> [item 8, Any other business] 15:15 < bdale> Do any board members have other items for discussion they would like to address briefly? 15:15 < bdale> I have one brief item 15:15 < linuxpoet> I do as well 15:15 < weasel> btw, thanks for handling the ISC thing so fast 15:15 < bdale> I'm currently standing for a board position at the Linux Foundation representing individual affiliates. If elected, I'd hope to foster better LF / SPI cooperation, no significant other impact here. 15:16 < bdale> linuxpoet: go for it 15:16 < Hydroxide> weasel: sure, you're welcome. 15:16 < linuxpoet> Just wanted to mention that I know I am behind on reviewing the membership app and that I have not forgotten. 15:16 < linuxpoet> That is all. 15:16 < Hydroxide> bdale: great 15:16 < bdale> weasel: yeah, my pleasure. the ISC folks are good people, glad to see them explicitly supporting Debian in this way! 15:16 < weasel> indeed 15:16 < bdale> linuxpoet: ok, thanks for the mention 15:16 < bdale> anything else? 15:17 < bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting] 15:17 < bdale> I believe our default would be Wednesday, March 18th, 2009, 20:00 UTC. 15:17 < bdale> That looks ok to me. Anyone have strong objections? 15:17 < linuxpoet> works for ,e 15:17 < linuxpoet> err me 15:17 < Hydroxide> wait 15:17 < Hydroxide> is that pre-DST-changeover in the US or post-it? 15:17 < bdale> heck if I know 15:17 < linuxpoet> let me check 15:17 < Maulkin> Fine for me. 15:17 < Hydroxide> it's post-US-changeover, pre-EU-changeover 15:18 < bdale> icky 15:18 < Hydroxide> yes. thank you, Energy Policy Act of 2005 15:18 < linuxpoet> march 8th 15:18 < bdale> does that mean you want to change the time, or just note this? 15:18 < linuxpoet> I say we leave it... 12:00 PST/PDT :) 15:18 < bdale> that would work fine for me 15:18 < luk_> what UTC would that be? 15:18 -!- jello [~joe@dot.nahmias.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:18 < Hydroxide> wait, if we preserve US local time, then we change EU local time. can we stick to discussing UTC? 15:19 < bdale> luk_: the proposal is to leave it 20:00 15:19 < schultmc> 1900 UTC is noon PDT 15:19 -!- glp [~glp@2303ds1-fm.0.fullrate.dk] has quit [Quit: ] 15:19 < zobel> 20:00 UTC would be great. 15:19 < luk_> fine by me too 15:19 < bdale> let's stick with 20:00 UTC for next month, discuss then if we should change after that? 15:19 < Hydroxide> in the past for DST changeover we have adjusted the UTC time by an hour, but I don't know how we handled the case in between US and EU changeovers 15:19 < weasel> (this mess turns up every time you discuss times. why not stick to UTC for all discussions and announcements) 15:20 < linuxpoet> because us americans have no idea what utc is :P 15:20 < bdale> agreed that all official announcements should be in UTC 15:20 < zobel> yes, please. earlier than 20:00 UTC might make it hard for me. 15:20 < Hydroxide> weasel: we do, mostly. we have to discuss local time when dealing with locale-specific DST issues. 15:20 < bdale> speak for yourself! ;-) 15:20 < Ganneff> linuxpoet: then you should learn 15:20 < linuxpoet> Ganneff: that is an argument for another time :) 15:20 < bdale> ok, it's 20:00 UTC on the 18th of March for our next meeting. 15:20 < bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today. 15:20 < bdale> *GAVEL*