22:32 < bdale> *GAVEL* 22:32 < bdale> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest Board Meeti 22:32 < bdale> ng, which is now called to order. 22:32 < bdale> Today's agenda can be found on the web at: http://www.spi-inc.org/meetings/agend 22:32 < bdale> as/2016/2016-05-12/ 22:32 < zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas 22:32 < bdale> [item 2, Roll Call] 22:32 < bdale> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have eight board members, quorum for today's meeting is six. 22:32 < bdale> Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to tbm if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting. 22:32 < zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas 22:32 < bdale> Bdale Garbee 22:32 < schultmc> Michael Schultheiss 22:33 < Solver> Robert Brockway 22:33 < zobel> again, i was too early. 22:33 < linuxhiker> Joshua D. Drake 22:33 < bdale> I think the quorum is still six, isn't it? 22:33 < Solver> yep 22:33 < zobel> i ping ganneff over phone. sec. 22:33 * linuxhiker hopes 22:33 < bdale> I saw regrets from tbm 22:33 < Noodles> Do we msg tbm given he's not here? 22:35 < zobel> texted Ganneff. 22:35 < bdale> thanks 22:36 < zobel> xnox: ^ 22:36 < zobel> we miss him as well. 22:36 < linuxhiker> xnox: come on man... wake up :D 22:36 < Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert 22:36 < bdale> yay! 22:36 < linuxhiker> yay! 22:37 < bdale> [item 3, President's Report] 22:37 < bdale> Nothing to report. 22:37 < bdale> [item 4, Treasurer's Report] 22:37 < bdale> Michael? 22:37 -!- paolorotolo [~paoloroto@] has joined #spi 22:37 < zobel> Noodles: ping me. 22:37 < schultmc> I'm working on finalizing the outstanding reports and hope to have them released in the next few days. Apologies for the delay. Nothing notable otherwise. 22:37 < zobel> i would say? 22:38 < schultmc> Our automatic 3-month extension to file our 2015 Form 990 has been applied for and granted 22:38 < zobel> schultmc: great 22:38 < bdale> thanks 22:38 < bdale> anything else? 22:39 < bdale> [item 5, Secretary's report] 22:39 < bdale> Assuming nothing today since Martin couldn't attend. 22:39 < bdale> [item 6, Outstanding minutes] 22:39 < bdale> We have two sets. zobel, can you run votes for us? 22:40 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff,) allowed to vote on Outstanding minutes March 10th, 2016. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:40 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:40 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:40 < zobel> !vote yes 22:40 < bdale> !vote yes 22:40 < linuxhiker> shouldn't we know which outstanding minutes? 22:40 < Solver> !vote yes 22:40 < linuxhiker> if nothing else, for the record? 22:40 < bdale> linuxhiker: says the 10th of March in call for votes? 22:40 < Solver> it says so in the voting line 22:40 < linuxhiker> got it 22:41 < linuxhiker> sorry 22:41 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:41 < zobel> Current voting results for "Outstanding minutes March 10th, 2016": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:41 < zobel> Voting for "Outstanding minutes March 10th, 2016" closed. 22:41 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff,) allowed to vote on Outstanding minutes April 14th, 2016. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:42 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:42 < zobel> !vote abstain 22:42 < bdale> !vote abstain 22:42 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:42 < Ganneff> !vote abstain 22:42 < Solver> !vote yes 22:42 < zobel> Current voting results for "Outstanding minutes April 14th, 2016": Yes: 3, No: 0, Abstain: 3, Missing: 0 () 22:42 < zobel> Voting for "Outstanding minutes April 14th, 2016" closed. 22:42 < bdale> zobel: thank you! 22:42 < bdale> [item 7, Items up for discussion] 22:42 < bdale> [item 7.1, Resolution 2016-03-17.jdd.1: OpenZFS as an associated project] 22:42 < bdale> any discussion before we call a vote? 22:43 < zobel> well, i still would prefer to have the item 6 added. 22:43 < zobel> the "what to do with assets if projects disappear" 22:43 < zobel> but there are different opinions on the board on that. 22:43 < bdale> I'm pretty sure I was ok with your proposed text on that. Did it get passed by counsel? 22:44 < zobel> legal counsel you me? 22:44 < zobel> no. 22:44 < zobel> not yet. 22:44 < linuxhiker> bdale: I am against it because it doesn't solve the problem. We need to run my resolution (or a resolution like it) against counsel 22:45 < bdale> ok, then let's not try and modify resolutions on the fly today 22:45 < linuxhiker> in short, the resolutions as written and presented to the agenda need to be voted on and then we can argue/collaborate/seek counsel on a resolution that fixes the issue (with feedback from projects) for the entire problem 22:45 < zobel> my personal understanding is, that we need to do a disussion with each project and then vote on this project individually. 22:45 < zobel> which would be ~37 votes. 22:45 < zobel> okay. 22:45 < bdale> so .. any other discussion on 7.1, or should we call a vote? 22:46 < zobel> vote start? 22:46 < bdale> please 22:46 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff) allowed to vote on OpenZFS as an associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:46 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:46 < Solver> !vote yes 22:46 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:46 < bdale> !vote yes 22:46 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:46 < zobel> !vote yes 22:46 < linuxhiker> Yes! Awesome 22:46 < zobel> Current voting results for "OpenZFS as an associated project": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:47 < zobel> Voting for "OpenZFS as an associated project" closed. 22:47 < bdale> thank you 22:47 < bdale> [item 7.2, Resolution 2016-04-01.jdd.1: Glucosio as an associated project] 22:47 < bdale> any discussion? 22:47 < bkerensa> Myself and our lead android dev are here if the board has any questions 22:48 < zobel> no discussion it seems. 22:48 < zobel> vote start? 22:48 < bdale> please 22:48 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff) allowed to vote on Glucosio as an associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:48 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:48 < Solver> !vote yes 22:48 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:48 < zobel> !vote yes 22:48 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:48 < bdale> !vote yes 22:48 < zobel> Current voting results for "Glucosio as an associated project": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:48 < zobel> Voting for "Glucosio as an associated project" closed. 22:48 < bdale> thank you 22:48 < bdale> [item 7.3, Resolution 2016-04-27.jdd.1: PgConf.Org as an affiliated project] 22:48 < paolorotolo> awesome, thank you guys 22:49 < bdale> discussion? 22:50 < zobel> vote start? 22:50 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff) allowed to vote on PgConf.Org as an affiliated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:50 < linuxhiker> yes? 22:50 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:50 < Solver> !vote yes 22:50 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:50 < zobel> !vote yes 22:50 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:50 < bdale> !vote yes 22:50 < zobel> Current voting results for "PgConf.Org as an affiliated project": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:51 < zobel> Voting for "PgConf.Org as an affiliated project" closed. 22:51 < bdale> thank you 22:51 < bdale> [item 7.4, Resolution 2016-05-01.bg.1: ArduPilot as associated project] 22:51 < bdale> discussions? 22:51 < tridge> hi everyone, I'm available for Qs if needed on ArduPIlot 22:51 < zobel> bdale: i just wait 90s if noone responds to your discussion question, and then start_vote. 22:51 < linuxhiker> ack... 22:51 < bdale> tridge: welcome! 22:51 < tridge> thanks! 22:51 < bdale> zobel: works for me, thanks 22:52 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff) allowed to vote on ArduPilot as associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:52 < bdale> !vote yes 22:52 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:52 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:52 < zobel> !vote yes 22:52 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:52 < Solver> !vote yes 22:52 < zobel> Current voting results for "ArduPilot as associated project": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:52 < zobel> Voting for "ArduPilot as associated project" closed. 22:52 < tridge> thanks! 22:52 < bdale> thank you 22:53 < bdale> [item 7.5, Resolution 2016-05-05.bg.1: NTPsec as associated project] 22:53 < bdale> discussion? 22:53 < Solver> bdale: we have a few representatives of these projects at the meeting here today. They can accept the invitations right away can't they? 22:53 < MarkAtwood> hi 22:53 < MarkAtwood> im the rep and the PM for NTPsec 22:53 < MarkAtwood> and can answer any questions about the project 22:54 < bdale> Solver: yes. normally, our secretary issues the ask... but since tbm isn't here, let's do a bulk query after the last vote 22:54 < Solver> sounds good 22:54 < bdale> MarkAtwood: howdy Mark 22:54 < MarkAtwood> bdale: hi bdale 22:54 < zobel> Voting started, 6 people (solver,zobel,linuxhiker,schultmc,bdale,ganneff) allowed to vote on NTPsec as associated project. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now. 22:54 < Ganneff> !vote yes 22:54 < bdale> !vote yes 22:54 < zobel> !vote yes 22:54 < linuxhiker> !vote yes 22:54 < Solver> !vote yes 22:55 < schultmc> !vote yes 22:55 < zobel> Current voting results for "NTPsec as associated project": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 () 22:55 < zobel> Voting for "NTPsec as associated project" closed. 22:55 < bdale> thank you! 22:55 < MarkAtwood> thank you everyone! 22:55 < linuxhiker> Board: I made a mistake on my PgConf vote. I need to abstain. 22:55 < bdale> ok .. all projects voted on today that have the designated point of contact present .. consider the invitation to associate extended and feel free to accept now if you wish. otherwise, we'll send email later. 22:56 < bdale> linuxhiker: noted 22:56 < zobel> linuxhiker: understandable. 22:56 < bdale> since it doesn't change the output, no problem 22:56 < tridge> ardupilot accepts, thanks 22:56 < zobel> and noted. i will inform tbm to take care of that in the meeting minutes. 22:56 < MarkAtwood> i accept for NTPsec 22:57 < bdale> [item 8, Any other business] 22:57 < bdale> Do any board members present have items for discussion they would like to address briefly? 22:57 < bdale> [item 9, Next board meeting] 22:57 < bdale> Our next regularly-scheduled monthly meeting will be June 9th, 2016, 20:30 UTC 22:57 < bdale> Any strong objections? 22:58 < linuxhiker> Should we discuss the upcoming election? 22:58 < zobel> i would like to say that debian elected a new leader. 22:58 < linuxhiker> zobel: you first sir 22:58 < zobel> Mehdi Dogguy is new debian project leader 22:58 < zobel> done. 22:59 < bdale> indeed. our congrats to him on his election, he is now the recognized decision maker for Debian in SPI relations 22:59 < bdale> linuxhiker: sure .. but with tbm here there may be pragmatic limits to what we can conclude 22:59 < bdale> s/here/not here/ 23:00 < linuxhiker> bdale: Just wondering when we should put out a call but without TBM, that's obviously an issue 23:00 < zobel> bdale: sgtm 23:00 < bdale> sgtm? 23:00 < schultmc> sounds good to me 23:00 < zobel> sounds good to me 23:00 < bdale> oh, ok 23:01 < zobel> ah. 23:01 < zobel> one more question: 23:01 < zobel> has anyone submitted a bof for DC16? 23:01 < bdale> I did 23:01 < zobel> great, thx 23:01 < bdale> no reply to it yet that I have seen 23:02 < bdale> linuxhiker: suggest you ask the election logistics question on the board list and hopefully tbm will pick up on it there 23:02 < linuxhiker> bdale: understood 23:02 < zobel> they extended the CfP, so they have too few talks i would say. 23:02 < bdale> anything else? 23:02 < bdale> Ok, thank you to everyone present for participating today. 23:02 < bdale> *GAVEL*