Board meeting, March 13th, 2014

Board members present

  • Bdale Garbee (bdale) (President)
  • Joerg Jaspert (Ganneff) (Vice President)
  • Clint Adams (Clint)
  • Robert Brockway (Solver)
  • Joshua D. Drake (linuxhiker)
  • Jimmy Kaplowitz (Hydroxide)

Board members partially present

  • None

Board members absent with regrets

  • Jonathan McDowell (Noodles) (Secretary)
  • Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (Treasurer)
  • Martin Zobel-Helas (zobel)

Board members absent

  • None

Board advisors present

  • None

Registered guests present

  • Hilmar Lapp (drycafe)
  • H W Tovetjärn (totte)

These are the minutes for the March 13th, 2014 SPI Board Meeting, held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on LOG.

President's Report

Bdale had nothing of significance to report.

Treasurer's report

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period October 01, 2013 - October 31, 2013

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                          18,552.71
        Arch Linux                         239.88
        Debian                           1,344.14
        FFmpeg                              50.00                      5.00
        FreedomBox Foundation                5.00
        GNU TeXmacs                         40.00                      1,000.00
        LibreOffice                     24,278.40
        MinGW                               30.00
        OpenWrt                             25.00
        PostgreSQL                         140.00
        SPI General                        496.45
        SPI 5%                             364.82
        The HeliOS Project                 350.00
        TideSDK                             37.00

        Total Ordinary Income           46,958.40

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.76
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.28
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 35.40

        Total Interest Income               38.44

   Gross Income                         46,996.84

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees            11.86
          SPI 5%                    132.27

          Total 0 A.D. Exp          144.13

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            14.22
          SPI 5%                     11.99

          Total Arch Linux Exp       26.21

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            28.04
          SPI 5%                     67.21
          Travel (GSoC)           3,141.00

          Total Debian Exp        3,239.25

          Processing Fees             3.59
          SPI 5%                      2.50

          Total FFmpeg Exp            6.09
          Processing Fees             0.27
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total fd.o Exp              0.52

          Processing Fees             0.27
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total FreedomBox Exp        0.52

        GNU TeXmacs
          Processing Fees             1.95
          SPI 5%                      2.00

          Total GNU TeXmacs Exp       3.95

          Hosting Fees              162.55
          Processing Fees            40.35
          SPI 5%                     50.00

          Total Haskell Exp         252.90

          Processing Fees            28.62
          SPI 5%                     69.25
          Travel Reimbursement    3,157.60

          Total LibreOffice Exp   3,255.47

          Processing Fees             1.55
          SPI 5%                      1.50

          Total MinGW Exp             3.05

          Processing Fees             1.53
          SPI 5%                      1.25

          Total OpenWrt Exp           2.78

          Processing Fees             4.55
          SPI 5%                      7.00
          Travel Reimbursement    2,000.00

          Total PostgreSQL Exp    2,011.55

          Bookkeeping Fee           632.00
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           28.22

          Total SPI Exp             693.81

        Swathanthra Malayalam Computing
          Travel (GSoC)           1,371.95

          Total SMC Exp           1,371.95

        The HeliOS Project
          SPI 5%                     17.50

          Total HeliOS Exp           17.50

         Processing Fees              1.88
         SPI 5%                       1.85

         Total TideSDK Exp            3.73

        Total Expenses           11,033.41

        Net Income               35,963.43

Balance Sheet as of October 31, 2013

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      34,983.51
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         208,808.52
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,048.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     103,403.06
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,813.31
        Key Express Checking                               5,517.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    254.00

     Total Current Assets                                530,235.00

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          530,235.00


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    21,824.82
           aptosid Earmark                      181.06
           Arch Linux Earmark                11,261.64
           Debian Earmark                   107,679.14
           DebConf 13 Earmark                56,492.18
           Drizzle                            4,311.30
           FFmpeg                               718.08
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           18,373.49
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,424.61
           Gallery Earmark                    8,207.28
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  310.07
           Haskell Earmark                   16,516.13
           Jenkins Earmark                   10,407.09
           LibreOffice Earmark               89,316.56
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,207.25
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,187.97
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       39,376.08
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                14.40
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                21,323.91
           Privoxy Earmark                      877.62
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark  (1,371.95)
           The HeliOS Project Earmark           388.28
           TideSDK Earmark                      401.43
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,884.73

        Total held in trust                              465,730.48

        General reserves                                  64,504.52

     Total Equity                                        530,235.00

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            530,235.00
This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period November 01, 2013 - November 30, 2013

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                          11,673.80
        Arch Linux                         457.00
        Debian                           1,235.34
        FFmpeg                           1,920.00                      5.00
        Gallery                             30.00                      1,286.05
        LibreOffice                     14,210.00
        MinGW                               11.00
        Path64                               5.00
        Privoxy                              5.00
        SPI General                        390.00
        SPI 5%                             209.74
        The HeliOS Project                  25.00
        TideSDK                             38.00

        Total Ordinary Income           31,500.93

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.68
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.28
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 24.83

        Total Interest Income               27.79

   Gross Income                         31,528.72

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             8.80
          SPI 5%                     12.67

          Total 0 A.D. Exp           21.47

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            61.33
          SPI 5%                     22.85

          Total Arch Linux Exp       84.18

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            43.82
          SPI 5%                     61.77

          Total Debian Exp          108.59

          Processing Fees            41.62
          SPI 5%                     96.00

          Total FFmpeg Exp          137.62
          NPES Membership           250.00
          PDF Association
            Membership              305.64
          Processing Fees             0.32
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total fd.o Exp            556.21

          Processing Fees             1.38
          SPI 5%                      1.50

          Total Gallery Exp           2.88

          Hosting Fees              161.04
          GSoC Travel             1,589.85

          Total Haskell Exp       1,750.89

          Processing Fees            10.21
          SPI 5%                     10.50
          Travel Reimbursement   14,516.53

          Total LibreOffice Exp  14,537.24

          Processing Fees             0.79
          SPI 5%                      0.55

          Total MinGW Exp             1.34

          Processing Fees             0.55
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total Path64 Exp            0.80

          GSoC Travel             1,034.50
          Travel Reimbursement    1,286.05

          Total PostgreSQL Exp    2,320.55

          Processing Fees             0.38
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total Privoxy Exp           0.63

          Bookkeeping Fee         2,537.50
          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           32.23

          Total SPI Exp           2,599.68

        The HeliOS Project
          Processing Fees             1.35
          SPI 5%                      1.25

          Total HeliOS Exp            2.60

         Processing Fees              1.91
         SPI 5%                       1.90

         Total TideSDK Exp            3.81

          Blender Videos            221.31

          Total YafaRay Exp         221.31

        Total Expenses           22,349.80

        Net Income                9,178.92

Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2013

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      36,182.42
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         208,833.35
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,043.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                     110,064.92
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,815.99
        Key Express Checking                               5,510.72
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    251.00

     Total Current Assets                                538,108.28

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          538,108.28


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                    33,477.15
           aptosid Earmark                      181.06
           Arch Linux Earmark                11,634.46
           Debian Earmark                   112,805.89
           DebConf 13 Earmark                56,492.18
           Drizzle                            4,311.30
           FFmpeg                             2,500.46
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           17,822.28
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,424.61
           Gallery Earmark                    8,234.40
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  310.07
           Haskell Earmark                   16,051.29
           Jenkins Earmark                   10,407.09
           LibreOffice Earmark               84,989.32
  Earmark        1,494.90
           MinGW Earmark                      1,216.91
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            3,187.97
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       39,376.08
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                18.60
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                19,003.36
           Privoxy Earmark                      881.99
           Swathanthra Malayan Comp Earmark  (1,371.95)
           The HeliOS Project Earmark           410.68
           TideSDK Earmark                      435.62
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,663.42

        Total held in trust                              476,881.55

        General reserves                                  61,226.73

     Total Equity                                        538,108.28

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            538,108.28

Michael was not present but had sent out the November 2013 report in advance of the meeting. There was a query from drycafe about seeing a breakdown of wire transfers to a project and Bdale he should file an RT ticket. Jimmy also mentioned the fact that we have a backlog of treasurer reports.

Secretary's report

Jonathan was not present.

Outstanding minutes

As Jonathan was not present it was decided to postpone voting on the outstanding meeting minutes until April.

Items up for discussion

Status of SPI's support infrastructure for associated project services

Hilmar Lapp of OBF asked for this item to be included on the agenda due to delays in handling various DNS related requests. The domains had been transferred to SPI but not yet configured for DNS hosting by SPI. Joerg indicated the SPI sysadmin team consisted of just him and Michael and that this was not enough as they were both generally busy. There had been at least one offer of help on the SPI lists that Joerg was going to pursue, and he said we could expect an update by the next meeting.

Any other business

No one had any other items to discuss.


The meeting was adjourned until Thursday, April 10th, 2014 at 20:00 UTC in #spi on

Appendix A: Current Board Membership

Last electedNameRole
July 2013Bdale GarbeePresident
July 2013Joerg JaspertVice President
July 2012Jonathan McDowellSecretary
July 2012Michael SchultheissTreasurer
July 2013Joshua D. Drake
July 2013Martin Zobel-Helas
July 2011Clint Adams
July 2011Robert Brockway
July 2011Jimmy Kaplowitz