
Manasource is a federated community of autonomous development projects focused on free open source videogame software. Besides publishing other software, the organisation manages multiple projects including The Mana World, Source of Mana, Moubootaur Legends, the Mana and Manaverse clients, the Mana Launcher (Steam) client and more. We also maintain a library of shared content produced over the years by various past and current projects and make such content available under GPL and/or CC BY-SA 4.0 licenses.

Contact with the project can be made over IRC, Discord, Matrix and more in the Chat directory.

Project Liaison

William Pine

Successors will be appointed by the sitting project liaison, or by a simple majority of the existing Mana Team members, as defined in


  • Accepting donations
  • Holding property
  • Holding domain names
  • Legal assistance

Donate via PayPal